Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar International Education Center

Find the way towards greatness!!

We are a sister organization of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar International Association for Education, Japan (BAIAE)

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Foundation Values

To create international Buddhist platform to promote education & culture.

To set up an Education Centre for the upliftment of marginalized sections of society to prepare them internationally competitive

Develop the Area around the monument having Buddhist historical importance.

Dream of Bhante Arya Nagarjuna Surai Sasai

It is the sought after dream of Bhante Nagarjuna Shurei Sasai. He thought of having an institute with scenic importance, where people can learn about various subjects including the Buddhist movement, that is taking hold in this part of India.

We are an early learning academy focused on social-emotional development and early literacy and numeracy. Our students walk out with the character and confidence to make their mark in the world, equipped with the knowledge and real-world skills that take them way ahead in the industry they may serve.

Bhanteji came to India in 1966 and since then he is dedicatedly working towards spreading Buddhism. Bhanteji is one of the main leaders of the campaign to free the Mahabodhi Temple at Bodh Gaya from Hindu control.

Bhanteji made immense contributions towards helping people with education and spreading Buddhism among Indians and Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s awareness among Japanese nationals.  


Bhanteji’s source of inspiration is Tathagata Gautam Buddha and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, who always inspires us for peace,  wisdom, and education. It is Bhanteji’s dire wish to spread Buddhism, Ambedkarite thoughts, and Education to all corners of society.

Historically, Buddha’s monuments have been the source of education. BAIAE Japan members have been brainstorming to fulfill Bhanteji’s dream mission. 

Erecting a big statue of Buddha along with an education center is the outcome to achieve these objectives. 

Education is the milk of the tigress. Once you have drunk it, you cannot but roar.

– Dr Babsaheb Ambedkar

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